This film has almost non-stop action and there are some funny moments in it. Willis basically does a self-parody of the ridiculous stunts he survives time after time. At one point when he takes out a helicopter with a car, he says, “I was out of bullets!”
However, the thing that really nagged me as I watched this movie at an early screening was: how can this movie be rated PG-13? It has almost non-stop violence, very strong language throughout, not to mention a brief sexual scene in the beginning in which a female character is fondled. The only reason I can think of as to why it didn’t receive an R rating is that there wasn’t quite as much blood as in some other action-type films. Still, this movie is not family friendly and we can’t approve it due to the excessive violence and language, not to mention the sexual encounter. Even the action scenes were excessive! It stretched believability every minute as it neared the end. Live free by making a choice to see something more family friendly.