This movie jumps into the plot very quickly. Maybe too quickly. There is not much foundation laid and suddenly the aliens are possessing everyone’s bodies with a flu-like virus which takes effect when they fall asleep. The film does appropriately escalate as it nears the climax and there is a great chase scene as the aliens try to reach the protagonist of the story, Carol Bennell, played convincingly by Nicole Kidman, who seems to be a typical mother who is thrown into a disaster. Her attempts to save her son from the aliens is the central theme of the story. She is attacked in her car, in her home, at a pharmacy, and from the roof of a building where helicopters position themselves to rescue her. Jackson Bond, who plays her son Oliver, and Daniel Craig, who plays her boyfriend Ben, are very effective in their roles as well.
Unfortunately, it is the strong language and implied sex between an unmarried couple which prevent us from awarding our Dove Seal to the film.