Approved for 12+

For One More Day

In this film, based on Mitch Albom's bestselling book For One More Day, Michael Imperioli plays Chick Benetto, a broken-down former baseball player who has collapsed into alcoholism and despair. He returns one night to his small hometown with plans to take his life. At the final moment, he is magically granted one more day with his departed mother, Posey Benetto, played by Ellen Burstyn, who illuminates the secrets of both their lives and shows him a way to redemption.

Originally Aired December 9, 2007 on ABC
Negative Rating
Positive Rating

Dove Review

This is a well-made film, which takes a deep look into the frail human psyche. Chick Benetto always looked up to his father, despite his father’s verbal abuse. His father shared a love of baseball with Chick as Chick grew up, and he longed for Chick to make it big in the major leagues. Other than driving his son hard to practice ball, Chick’s father had little time for him. Chick’s mother Posey was the one who was an anchor and a rock for Chick, and kept trying to push him in the right directions.

After a brief stint in the majors, Chick eventually loses everything important in his life, due to his drinking and despair. The thing he needs the most, one more day with his now deceased mother, is granted. The events which follow make for an engaging and life-altering story. There is a lot of drinking in the film, as both the father and Chick abuse alcohol, and yet this is a realistic good story. In one nice scene Chick’s mother shows him a tree with the word “Please” engraved in it. She tells him it was her prayer to God for a child when she had gone several months without becoming pregnant. She tells Chick he was the answer to that prayer. Anyone who has ever desired “one more day” with a deceased loved one will greatly enjoy this dramatic and touching film. We gladly award our Dove Seal to this film for ages twelve and above.

Dove Rating Details




A character is in a car accident and does bleed a little; a character injures his leg while playing baseball; a father at times verbally abuses his son.


A man is cheating on his wife but nothing graphic is shown and there are consequences.


D-6; G-1; H-3


A character is in a car accident and does bleed a little; a character injures his leg while playing baseball; a father at times verbally abuses his son.


Drinking in several scenes as two characters struggle with alcoholism; some smoking.




A character puts a gun to his own head but does not commit suicide; a drunken character interrupts his daughter's basketball game and embarrasses both she and her mother; one character is married to two women at the same time; this film deals with the topic of death.

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