This is a moving and touching drama, with themes of loyalty and friendship, of dealing with betrayal and ultimately doing the right thing. The movie deals with the topic of death as well. The film is nicely directed and it is a quality production with nice cinematography and good acting. The actor who portrays young Amir, Zekeria Ebrahimi, gives an excellent performance as does Ahmad Khan Mahmidzada, who plays his loyal friend Hassan. Khalid Abdalla plays the adult Amir and he is the centerpiece of the film and does a nice job in holding the picture together as he is in a lot of scenes.
It was nice to see a very bad guy get his comeuppance near the end of the movie. There is a pleasant twist in the story near the end with the adult Amir making a noble decision. We want to note that much of the drama takes place in the middle east and Allah is mentioned as the supreme being. There are two misuses of the Lord’s name which is taken in vain, and we therefore cannot award our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal to the film as a family-friendly picture.