This is another hysterically funny “Bananas” DVD. The line-up includes comics Jeff Allen, who says he keeps a “mannequin man” face when his wife tells him she’s fat, and Greg Hahn, who has great facial expressions. Also included in the DVD are Paul Stoecklein who talks about marriage and the “performance reviews” he receives from his wife, and Frank King who cracks the audience up with his take on deer hunters who mistake other hunters for deer. Bob Nelson gives a great routine about bald people who are in denial, and Kehn Kington joins the group and talks about the mistakes duck hunters make, and finally Scott Wood who gives his impression of Arnold Schwarzeneggar as Mr. Rogers, and Rik Roberts who does a great Don Knotts impression.
The DVD is wholesome with some funny jokes about marriage and relationships but there is nothing offensive in it. We gladly award our Dove Seal to the DVD for all ages, with the note that young children who don’t get the humor might not enjoy it as much as the older ones. We award five Doves to this funny DVD, our highest rating. Be ready to laugh a lot!