Is there a way out of Dodge? Or, in this case, Ember? With the generator failing, and food supplies dwindling, hope seems dim. Yet young Doon Harrow (Harry Treadaway) and Lina (Saoirse Ronan) keep hope alive as they begin to unravel some clues which reveal that hope might exist after all. Doon learns too that his father, Loris (Tim Robbins), has been hiding some interesting information which might aid in their search for a new life. Robbins does a nice job as the father but it is a bit disappointing that he wasn’t given more to do.
The city itself is dark and gloomy, with long corridors and some clues hidden behind a secret door in one building. Yet a giant mole threatens the safety of the intrepid little band of adventurers as they pursue the knowledge which can set them free. The graduates have been assigned duties after picking jobs from a lottery. Fortunately for young Lina, who is assigned work in Pipeworks, Doon is willing to trade the position he pulled from the lottery, that of a messenger. For the rest of the workers, they must do as they are selected to do.
This movie is based on the novel by Jeanne Duprau. The film is basically a wholesome film, with just a few intense scenes such as the giant mole cornering someone, and the subject of death is briefly featured in the movie. It is refreshing that there are no profanities in this film.
Are you ready for an adventure? Do you long to see the future before it arrives? This movie is for you! We gladly award our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal to this picture.