This movie has a rather bizarre plot as it involves a young inventor who invents a machine which creates food from water and consequently cheeseburgers, pizza, and yes-meatballs, fall from the sky. The movie features some funny moments. When the film begins a banana knocks Miss Columbia off her pedestal. It also includes this for the opening credits: “A film by a lot of people!” As young Flint grows up he tries a lot of experiments, including a concoction of hair-growth substance which he places on a bald man’s head. It works too well for soon the man resembles a very hairy Bigfoot! Later, when the meatballs fall, the weather lady says, “You’ll never have a shower that’s meatier!”
I was surprised that the film contained a bit of language, meaning we are recommending it for ages twelve and above. On the positive side, it is quite an imaginative film. It includes a nice theme of a father and son coming to understand each other, years after the mother and wife passed on. And Flint falls for a weather lady who helps him out during his adventures in Swallow Falls. We happily award this movie our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal, but when you take your family to see it remember to look up. A meatball might be falling from the sky.