This cute and heartwarming film is about the strength of family in tough times. Even though Ramona and Beezus don’t always get along – and in fact the older gets mad at the younger in classic sibling style – they also band together when times are hard. Beezus pretends to be a bit of a tough teenager, yet she protects and stands up for her sister when the younger is in trouble. Similarly, Ramona stands by her dad and helps him keep his confidence and creativity after his devastating job loss.
The episodes in the film are typical children’s fare and represent perfectly what it is to be in the magical reality of kid-dom, on the verge of leaving childhood behind: Ramona wants to help, but usually ends up making a mess of things when she does. Of course, it is only through these lessons of trial-and-error that she can ever truly grow up. We are more than pleased to award our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal to this imaginative movie.