“The Jensen Project” is a fascinating sci-fi story reminiscent of “Spy Kids” and “Mom and Dad Save the World.” Matt and Claire Thompson and their son, Brody are a family of geniuses who are enlisted to (what else?) “Save the world!” Their goal is to find Professor Edwin Jensen, chief scientist at his family’s futuristic lab. The Jensen Project is an organization dedicated to advancing world peace through technology, science and medicine. At first, Brody uses his brainpower to skip school before joining his mom and dad to locate the deadly device.
Professor Jensen stole a secret device from the lab and plans on selling it to the highest bidder. That high bidder plans to corrupt the use of an advanced medical breakthrough into something that could infect our U.S. military.
This is a fast-paced, highly entertaining movie for the entire family; especially fun for teckies and sci-fi fans. The overriding theme is expressed by mom, Clair Thompson, “Be the best that you can be!”
We’re pleased to award “The Jensen Project” the Dove Family Approved Seal for all ages.