“Cool It” is a very persuasive documentary that makes a compelling case for an incremental, practical solution to many of the world’s dilemmas, and at an affordable price tag.
This film presents a revolutionary way of tackling not just Global Warming, but other global issues as well; from malaria to HIV/AIDS to clean drinking water. Economist Bjorn Lomborg examines each topic by looking at them as a rational economics academician, rather than a dooms-day prophet. Lomborg goes on a pilgrimage interviewing scientists and economists looking for short-term and long-term solutions by utilizing the resources that are now available and those that will be in the near future.
This movie is NOT an anti-Global Warming film as some claim. In fact Bjorn Lomborg agrees with the Al Gore crowd that global warming is real and it’s man made. However, he is critical of the ways the government is approaching (or avoiding) the problem.
We award “Cool It” the Dove Family Approved Seal for all ages.