Here is another installment in the “Fast and Furious” film series. This is the fifth one and it kind of feels like the series is running out of gas. In this one, ex-cop Brian O’Conner (Paul Walker) joins forces with girlfriend Mia (Jordana Brewster) and former con Dom Toretto (Vin Diesel) and they soon find themselves on the other side of the law. One reason Dom is a former con is because Brian and Mia help him escape a bit early from prison by getting him off a prison bus. One reason this series is running on empty is because the bus rolls several times and no one is hurt. In fact, there was no policeman escorting the bus so it stretches credibility like a rubber band. In another example of stretched credibility, although Dom speaks about the importance of family a lot, which is one of the nice themes in the movie, his actions, and the actions of others, contradict that with the robberies and killings.
The trio travels to Rio with Dom’s boyhood friend, a car thief named Vince (Matt Schulze), who’s arranged a job for them. The job isn’t exactly legal. Their theft of a sports car from a train goes awry when three federal agents take bullets from the strong-arm of a local villain. Things become more complicated for Brian when he learns a secret which Mia shares.
Ultimately U.S. officials believe Brian, Mia and Dom are responsible for the deaths of the feds and so DSS agent Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson, the Rock) enters the story, determined to nab the trio. When Dom hatches a plan to become $100 million dollars richer, the heat really gets turned up.
Hobbs and his associates close in and Dom’s team then attempt an incredible goal, to get the fortune after the bad guy moves all of his wealth to, of all places, a heavily guarded police station! Some of the film is entertaining for sure as far as the stunts and action, but due to very strong language and the violence and sex categories, we cannot award this movie our Dove Seal.