What an awesome book by the filmmakers of “Flywheel”, “Facing the Giants”, “Fireproof” and their latest film, “Courageous”. Stephen and Alex Kendrick, along with Randy Alcorn, have written a book that especially reaches out to men, to encourage them to “resolve” within themselves to be committed fathers and husbands.
The book is simply written and yet profound. It is easy to comprehend but will take diligence to apply the biblical principles they prescribe to the reader. It is divided into two sections, the first being “A Call to Men” with three parts: 1. Why we need men of resolution. 2. A lifelong vision of fatherhood. 3. Becoming a chain breaker. Next up is section two which is lengthy and includes twelve resolutions, ranging from resolving to be a man of responsibility to resolving to leave a legacy.
Although specifically written for men, this book will appeal to women too who will, in my opinion, better understand the challenges men face in being good husbands and fathers. They will realize how important it is to encourage their husbands to do so. Scriptural references of the importance of the father’s role in the home are cited, such as Proverbs 17:6, which state that children’s children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers.
In one vivid example on page18, the authors mention the strong TV fathers of the past from shows like “The Andy Griffith Show”, “My Three Sons” and “Leave it to Beaver”. They were portrayed as strong, intelligent, responsible fathers. The authors state that TV fathers today are portrayed as incompetent and constantly outwitted by their wives and kids.
The timelessness of showing courage is brought up regularly in the book which is good because it is certainly needed by fathers in today’s world. The book calls for a lifelong vision of fatherhood for dads everywhere. This book is certainly not graphic but does speak candidly of the importance of fathers in the lives of their daughters as research proves that strong dads lead to fewer girls experimenting with sex during their teen years and before marriage. This is a book meant for adults as it offers up parental guidance and it is the main reason we are recommending its reading for adults and for us awarding our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal to it for ages twelve and above. It is not meant to be an “all ages” book. In the appendix it includes the consequences a man deals with when he’s committed adultery and it includes “Seven Steps to Better Sex” but it deals more with proper attitudes such as removing guilt, bitterness, and strife, and is not graphic. The same is true of the Appendix section on avoiding pornography. The book deals with how not to alienate children and to avoid the pitfalls. The examples given are to not show anger, to avoid being constantly absent, and to not be constantly critical.
This is a book which can inspire its readers everywhere! It is practical, includes memory verses and biblical examples, and features the resolutions which men need to take to be successful fathers and husbands. It covers the principal aspects of a man’s life: his relationships with his wife and children, his job and the need to provide for his family, his relationship with God and how he deals with tests and trials, and finally his opportunity to leave a lasting legacy to his children. This is a wealth of information packaged in a book and waiting to be read by men everywhere.