Ghost Rider is certainly an action/adventure and the chases and killings never stop. From start to finish we see people shot, blown up, consumed in flames, rot to dust. If someone isn’t dying or killing, they’re chasing each other in cars, on motor cycles or demonizing industrial grinding/drilling equipment. Can you believe that with all this carnage, we only see one single drop of blood from a cut over a boy’s eyebrow? However, the violence is so graphic in other ways, it scores far over our acceptability level. In addition, language also takes us by force with several utterances of foul words. The filmmakers even kept true to form and included that single F-Bomb just because they could and still receive a PG-13 rating. Come to think of it, the lack of blood may be the only thing that stopped it from receiving an R rating.
I will say the special effects in this are vastly superior to the first Nick Cage flick but the story is much darker. We learn that a woman has made a deal with the Devil to bare his son whom he intends to possess in a demonic ritual which is attended by all the current world political and financial big wigs. Ghost Rider needs to save the day and of course he does. I don’t think I’m giving anything away here am I? We also learn that the demon that possesses the Ghost Rider was an angel, the Spirit of Justice, who went mad and was taken to hell becoming the Spirit of Vengeance. The story is cohesive but the content is excessive and that means we cannot recommend this to a family audience.