Approved for All Ages

Monster Truck Adventures: Getting in Gear

Meteor and friends engage in exciting adventures at school and home, while learning important Biblical lessons along the way. These monster trucks experience scripture based lessons that apply to their everyday lives. Each episode is full of fun, family and friends as the kids experience life in the town of Crushington Park.

1. A Big Hook for Little Tow – a lesson in restraint (James 1:4)
2. Top Secret – a lesson in friendship (Prov. 17:17)
3. A Maze-ing Race – a lesson in listening (Deut. 30:8)
4. Sue the Rooter Truck – a lesson in consideration (Eph. 4:2)
5. Space Rangers – a lesson in helpfulness (Isaiah 41:6)
6. On Shaky Ground – a lesson in obedience (Eph. 6:1)
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Dove Review

This series continues to be awesome, every single DVD which is released! This one, titled “Monster Truck Adventures: Getting in Gear” contains six “monsteriffic” episodes!

The first episode is titled “A Big Hook for Little Tow” and is about LT using the hook despite his mother’s instructions not to. The hook causes LT all kinds of problems and it ends up getting stuck in gunk. James 1:4 is featured, a scripture about perseverance and waiting and how that kids need to be patient to do certain things and they need to listen to parents and teachers. The next episode, “Top Secret”, is about Meteor wanting to make a big announcement but his friends keep interrupting him. He thinks they are being rude but he soon learns that they were keeping him occupied while several gifts were being wrapped for him. As it turns out, it is his birthday which his friends already knew. Proverbs 17:17 is used as it mentions a friend loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity.”

The next one, “A Maze-ing Race” deals with Big Wheelie telling the kids how to make it through the maze. Meteor and his friends do not follow his instructions, however, and it is Amby and Sinker who stays on course and who gets through first. Deuteronomy 38 is featured; a scripture about obeying God and the point is made that the Lord and parents should be obeyed. Episode four, “Sue the Rooter Truck” is about Sue acting tough in case the others don’t like her. Ponytail befriends her and makes her feel welcome. And the girls win the race. Ephesians 4:2 speaks of being humble and gentle and reaching out to everyone. In episode, five, “Space Rangers”, Ponytail, Jose and the others win the Space Races at school because of Meteor’s advice. But Meteor isn’t happy for his friends but is upset that he did not do very well. Kozmo teaches Meteor he did well indeed in helping his friends. Isaiah 41:6 is featured about everyone helping his neighbor. Finally, in episode six, “On Shaky Ground”, Ponytail played with friends instead of going straight home to help her dad and he worries about where she is. Ephesians 6:1 is used about children obeying their parents in the Lord for it is right.

This fantastic DVD easily has earned our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal. Get in gear and see this DVD soon as a family. What great lessons are taught and in a fun way!

Dove Rating Details




A car gets stuck in gunk; fast racing; a few cars endure some bumps.






A car gets stuck in gunk; fast racing; a few cars endure some bumps.






A few attitude problems including a truck not being happy for his friends doing well; disobedience in a few episodes including a girl vehicle not going home right away as she is supposed to but she learns her lesson; in inspiring scenes the Bible is quoted.

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