Here is another fun-ride on the “Monster Truck” high-way! This DVD is fun, fun, fun with terrific animation and moral lessons featured in each episode. “Making the Grade” is the title of this DVD.
The episodes featured begin with “Special Delivery” in which “discernment” is the spiritual theme. Junkboy and Amby announce an alien invasion at Donut Corner. This causes a bit of an uproar and they later realize they should have learned the facts first before making their announcement. Proverbs 14:8 is featured, a scripture about wisdom and discernment. Next up is “Charity Drive” which is about the danger in being too focused on ourselves. When the kids begin collecting hub caps for a charity drive it soon turns into a competition which leads to the loss of several hub cups. The love chapter, 1 Corinthians 13, is featured in this episode. Next we have “Twin Engines” in which LT’s mom asks LT and Meteor to babysit twin trucks. The twins about wear them out so LT and Meteor decide to wear the twins out so they will take a nap.
In “April Fool’s Day” some pranks by Little Tow on Meteor go too far and Meteor’s feelings are hurt. In episode five, “Monster Truck Club”, the kids decide to have a club and LT’s home becomes the club house. However, disagreements soon abound and when a vote is taken for president they each vote for themselves. They ultimately figure out a solution which works and peace is restored. In episode six, “Boomers”, the search for sharp objects which can cause flat tires soon leads to a division. Finally, in the bonus episode, episode seven, titled, “A Monster Truck Tale”, the Crush Monster captures Princess and three knights come to her rescue. We soon learn the monster has a bumper in his wheels which has caused him to be cranky for a long time. This episode features the theme of compassion.
These episodes are fantastic with great animation and stories and we don’t hesitate in awarding our Dove Seal to this DVD for all ages. Climb on board the Monster Trucks today!