In the latest episode of “Star Wars” meets “Escape from New York”, the president’s daughter is stranded on a space ship/penile colony where the inmates have just taken over. At first I was amazed that Irish actors could get rid of their brogues but that didn’t last long. Once the action took hold, their country of origin shows proudly through the dialog.
The plot is a little obvious. The president’s daughter gets stranded, and the good guy, falsely accused, has a chance to redeem himself against overwhelming odds. There is lots of action and violence – little story. That’s where I got lost. The story, although predictable, still makes you focus because the editing took enough out to leave gaping holes in the major points. This movie was probably made as an R-rated film but someone in marketing decided to get a bigger audience by cutting just enough to garner the coveted PG-13 rating. I guess the BBC should broadcast more sci-fi shows because this was about the same quality as most TV movies and not family approved.