This movie has a tight and interesting storyline along with a strong performance by leading-man Denzel Washington. But like the story about the plane in this film, this movie goes out of control in the content department and is too turbulent in the sex, drugs and nudity as well as language categories for us to recommend it for family viewing. In fact it rates a four in sex, a five in language, a four in nudity and a five in the drug category and anything that rates above a two doesn’t receive our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal.
Washington plays Captain William “Whip” Whitaker, a seasoned pilot who is given a disastrous situation when major problems with the plane develop during flight. The plane, Southwest flight 227, dives and is headed for a crash and his experience shows as he has his co-pilot invert the plane and he somehow manages to crash land in a field. Out of 102 souls on board the plane six die, four passengers and two crew members. When a flight simulation takes place later with ten other pilots, each of them crashes the plane with no lives saved. But despite his heroics Whitaker had been drinking and up all night before taking control of the cockpit in addition to using cocaine and now he must appear before an inquiry and either lie or come clean. There are plenty of dramatics in the movie and it does show that people who have battled alcohol addiction can change if they first realize there is a problem.
However, with the strong content mentioned above and listed in our content descriptions, we are unable to even come close to recommending this movie for family viewing.