“Pacific Rim” is an imaginative story that combines elements of Transformers and Godzilla into an action packed thriller. When monsters start appearing from a split in the tectonic plates under the Pacific ocean, human-kind’s very survival is threatened. Each generation of the monsters known as “Kaiju” seem to be more difficult to defeat than the previous ones. The world governments have banded together and formed an elite team of robots manned by two people who share the burden of controlling their “Jaeger” in an attempt to fight and defeat the weird and powerful creatures from another dimension.
The action rarely stops long enough to develop the characters in this sci-fi flick. There is little acting and only a little humor in the long drawn-out film. The battle scenes are vicious but not overly graphic. Heads do roll, but they are either of the monsters or robots. Only a single person is seen to die on-screen. Unfortunately, the language is over the top for our Dove Seal so we cannot recommend this film for your family.