This movie features a riveting story and a powerful performance by Tom Hanks as Captain Richard Phillips. The film is based on the true story which took place in 2009 when pirates boarded the Maersk Alabama commanded by Phillips. The ensuing story reveals Captain Phillips’ apparent cooperation with the pirates and how he was cleverly protecting his crew by doing his best to get the pirates off the ship. Eventually he is taken by four of them into the life boat which is really a pod and the ultimate pursuit of the pod by the U.S. Navy before it reaches Somalia where they are sure Phillips will be killed. This edge-of-your-seat movie is rife with tension and builds to a crescendo at the end in which either Phillips or the pirates are going to die, perhaps all of them.
Regrettably, despite the interesting story and quality filmmaking, the picture contains strong language and violence with some on-screen blood and we unfortunately cannot award it our Dove Seal.