This story is about what happens when a female Tiger cub, Luna, follows a boy named Billy home. Billy discovers that Luna was hiding in his book bag and he doesn’t want to give her up, somehow managing to hide her in his bedroom. Yet Luna keeps getting into mischief, making it virtually impossible for Billy to keep the secret long. Despite Billy hiding Luna she gets out and wreaks havoc on his parents’ home.
A few bullies pick on Billy and his friend Koby, and the nice keeper of Safari World, Joe Camp, worries about what’s happened to Luna but the movie features a happy ending which we won’t give away. I will say that Joe Camp, the director and keeper of Safari World, winds up writing a book. Parents should consult our content listing for more information.. We happily award “A Tiger’s Tale” our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for all ages. For anyone who ever wanted to own a pet that you really can’t keep, and for animal lovers everywhere, this is the movie for you.