“Guardians of the Galaxy” is the latest movie installment of Marvel comic book characters, and it features the now standard Stan Lee cameo. As usual, it is funny. Let’s just say it has to do with Stan doing a bit of flirting. Young Peter Quill stands by the death bed of his mother and, grief stricken, can’t bring himself to hold her extended hand to him. Later, many years later, we catch up with the adult Peter (Chris Pratt), and he is pursued relentlessly after he takes a powerful orb, which is desired by Ronan, a villain with evil intentions. Peter can be a noble character but can’t seem to get past his mother’s death and how he didn’t accept her extended hand. He winds up with some unusual companions, including Rocket, a raccoon with an attitude, and Groot, a tree-like creature that, no matter what question is thrown to him, can only reply, “I am Groot”. It becomes a running joke in the film.
Sadly, despite dazzling special effects, the movie features almost non-stop violence, with several characters being Tasered, as well as many shootings and aerial and space battles, punching and kicking, and…well, you get the idea. In addition, there is the use of strong language many times in the film. Action movies can be great, but this one has so much action and violence throughout that it gets boring. At any rate, this movie cannot receive our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal due to the violence and language issues in the content.