This is an original movie with a novel idea. The plot revolves around two friends, Mitch (Leo Kempf) and Vance (Markus Porter), who travel back in time to meet the four Gospel writers: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They want their autographs on their Bibles! Each disciple is a bit taken aback by the two young men, and amazed by the modern pen as opposed to the quills they are used to writing with.
The film features humor, including Mitch getting a signed photo of the TV alien ALF in the mail, his mention of Frodo and the ring to John and, of course, John having no clue what he is referring to, and Mitch’s comment that he would love to go back to the past to tell George Lucas not to make episodes 1, 2, and 3 of “Star Wars!” Another example of humor is when a man from the past asks if Mitch and Vance are Greek, and Mitch replies, “No, but the folks back home call us something very similar.” The movie also has the powerful message that people were willing to die for the Gospels and their faith in Christ, and that some actually did.
The movie is creative and funny in spots. There are references to popular culture such as a comment about the TV series, “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and a “Good-night, John-Boy” comment. We are awarding our “Faith-Friendly” Seal for ages twelve plus to the movie. This one will be enjoyed by those in the mood for something original.