“Focus” is a fast-paced movie that takes a few twists and turns so that the viewer never figures everything out about the plot until the end. That is a good thing. I didn’t see everything coming that happened, like you can in some films. So the surprises were nice, including one near the end that involves a relationship that most viewers wouldn’t have suspected.
Nicky Spurgeon (Will Smith) is a con artist that teaches a young and beautiful woman named Jess (Margot Robbie) to steal. She works her skills on the street, swiping watches, wallets and jewelry but sometimes she is assisted by others. She draws a person’s attention away and her accomplice grabs the goods. When Nicky shows Jess how he got a man at a football game to pick a certain player’s number, by placing that number (55) all around him all day, she is amazed at his attention to detail. Nicky and Jess fall for one another and when the job is finished, Jess is perplexed when Nicky gives her share to her and sends her on her way, not to mention heartbroken. But it’s not the last time he will see her.
When they cross paths again the two of them face the biggest challenge of Nicky’s cons yet. A formidable foe stands in their way of a chance at happiness. But Nicky always seems to figure a way out. He will need some assistance at the end, and it comes from the person he would least expect. Despite the twists and turns of the film, and Will Smith’s good performance, it contains strong content in the sex, language, violence and nudity categories, leaving it outside the “family friendly” perimeters and so regrettably we are unable to present “Focus” our Dove Seal.