“The Rock” is a unique film about a young high school student from Australia named Josh (Daniel Harpur), who meets a rock that tells him to start telling others about Jesus. The plot is based on a passage of Scripture found in Luke 19, in which Jesus told the Pharisees that if men stopped praising him, the rocks would cry out. People look bored in Josh’s church, including Josh, and not much is happening. But then, when Josh starts telling others about the talking rock, they think he has lost it, including his mother, Kathleen (Dianne Jackson). The rock features the original-sounding voice of Joe Applegate, whose voice is unique. The rock is animated and appears to actually be speaking to Josh.
Although Josh is teased, bullied and winds up in the principal’s office, he begins to witness to others about Christ and sees some results after a while. Some of those results hit close to home when his father, Carl, whom he has never known, comes back into his life. Josh also makes a difference in his classmates’ lives, and the principal of his school says that fights in the school have seen a 70-percent reduction since Josh started telling others about Christ. We are thrilled to present “The Rock” our “Faith-Friendly” Seal for ages 12-plus. Its themes include making restitution when necessary, doing the right thing, and letting others know about God’s love. Make sure that a rock never has to speak up for you!