The Lion Kid is a colorful, animated Western with delightful characters! This includes Kidd Mane, a lion, as the sheriff, and a donkey as the bad guy of the town, Mr. Tucker. Included in this unique bunch is Jeb the giraffe, a frog store owner named Ewell, and many other memorable characters.
The last sheriff was run out of town by Mr. Tucker, who has long run the town in his unscrupulous way, always benefiting from every decision he makes. Kid Mane vows to be fair and to do the right thing when he is elected by the town council to fill the abandoned sheriff’s position, but immediately Mr. Tucker plans on turning the town’s citizens against Kid Mane by ridding the town of its leaders and blaming Kid Mane for it. But Kid Mane is not one to back down easily. Armed with a loyal deputy sheriff, Tibbs, Kid Mane believes he is up for any challenge Tucker can throw his way.
This imaginative tale is a wholesome experience and nicely illustrates that even the bad guy can change if he learns his lesson. We are delighted to award the film our Dove Seal for All Ages.
The Dove Take:
This is not your typical shoot-em up Western but is an imaginative and fantastic adventure!