Approved for All Ages

KiDs Beach Club

Join the Clubhouse Kids as they navigate life, explore character lessons, and have a blast playing memorable games while discovering God through the pages of His Word, the Bible.

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Positive Rating

Dove Review

This first season of KiDs Beach Club is a must-view experience as it shows kids how to function in the world according to God’s word, and parents are going to love it.

The episodes all involve likable kids and Bible lessons. In the first episode, titled Generosity, a girl named Emma is at school and she forgot her lunch, and she asks fellow student Matt if he would share some of his chocolate chip cookies. Unfortunately, Matt is gulping them down so fast he doesn’t catch on until he’s eaten the last one. But a boy named Oliver steps up and shares some of his grapes with Emma, so she doesn’t go hungry. Emma appreciates Oliver’s generosity. Matt says he’ll share his cookies with Emma the next time!

In another scene, a young woman named Jordan plans to go help her “mee-maw” (grandmother) with yard work, and it’s pointed out that she is being generous with her time. The show defines the meaning of generosity, a willingness to share and help, and it includes an unselfish attitude.  Jordan points out that God generously gave the world Jesus. The teaching is done in a fun fashion. For example, several of the kids learn Luke 19:10 as a memory verse, the verse that says, “For the son of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” The kids each take a few words of the verse, on large pieces of colored paper, and share it, and then the second time around they eliminate one of the sheets and finally all of them as they learn to share it from memory.

Pastor Mark shows up, eating chips at his desk, sitting near his computer. He jokes that a computer’s favorite snack is “micro-chips.” Pastor Mark teaches that greed is the opposite of generosity. Zacchaeus is given as an example of a man who was greedy at first, in his duties as a tax collector, but he met Jesus and became generous, being willing to restore what he had greedily gained from people, even adding more to it. This wonderful show features a bit of everything including a song about Zacchaeus being a “wee little man, a wee little man was he.”

Another facet of the episode is the Wheel of Greed, with two teams competing in answering Bible questions. Other episodes in this series focus on obedience, contentment, kindness, self-control and finally, determination. Each episode runs approximately 25 to 26 minutes.

This series easily earns our Dove-approved Seal for All Ages.

The Dove Take

Parents and kids alike will enjoy this wholesome and engaging show as it uses visuals and audio means to drive home important life lessons.

Dove Rating Details


Strong Faith messages with scriptural references and lessons and a focus on God’s love in giving the world Jesus. … Kids learn how to overcome greed and to maintain self-control and other good qualities.


A boy shares his grapes with a hungry girl; the example of Zacchaeus changing from a greedy to a generous man; adults invest time in helping teach kids.













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