When disease-of-the-week movies began showing up on TV back in the ‘70s, many had a chintzy feel with pat solutions, while others did much to expose problems and bring ailments into public awareness. “Sharing the Secret” falls into this second category. It contains an intelligent script, which allows us to get to know – or rather realize that we don’t know – this girl and her complex mental state. The film takes its time before letting us know what her problem is, or that she even has a problem. It gives us a perceptive look at the effect divorce and remarriage have on children.
I believe this is an important film for parents to view. I’m not a psychiatrist but it doesn’t take a medical degree to recognize that there are many problems facing today’s youth. With moms now at work (in the movies it’s always a glamorous job) and divorce so prevalent, children are left without much parental supervision. An important step in preventing family heartbreak is being aware of children’s needs and letting them know that your inquisitiveness is out of love. “Sharing the Secret” is extremely well-acted, engrossing and enlightening. The film suggests that parents should seek therapy for troubled children. Be advised to seek Christian counseling. Your pastor probably has the names of professionals who are also believers.