With a witty and poignant script and outstanding performances, “The Truth About Jane” examines the dilemma of having a gay child. It does so without exploitation and with great sensitivity, but due to a couple of scenes that show two girls kissing and getting into bed (no nudity), plus the subject matter itself, I cannot recommend it for family viewing. Another problem with this presentation is the fact that it encourages people to accept the practice of homosexuality as an appropriate lifestyle. It goes so far as to say you are a bigot if you object to this sexual activity. The Word of God declares homosexuality to be an “abomination.” (1 Corinthians 6:9). Although the Bible clearly admonishes us to abstain from this sexual practice, we must guard against false superiority. That Bible verse also lists heterosexual practices that are equally abhorrent to our Heavenly Father. The solution is not found in trying to persuade society to accept our sins as normal behaviors, but to repent and abstain from them. With God’s help we will conquer our faults. By His grace, we can be forgiven them. This commentary is simply trying to point out that no matter what seems right to Hollywood, if it counters Biblical principles, Christians are commanded to remember what the Bible says (Acts 23:11). We all fall short of the glory of the Lord (Romans 3:23). If any form of inappropriate sexual behavior is a battle for you or someone you know, God will forgive, but not until we give up justifying our failings (1 John 1:8-10) Remember, He doesn’t seek our shame, just our obedience.
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