“Pay It Forward” is an engaging, uplifting film that purports a selfless deed can alter the lives of others forever. Unbeknown to the film’s young hero, his caring acts for others catch on, leading people throughout the country to do the same. Once again, Hunt and Spacey give compelling performances. And young Haley Joel Osment proves that his Oscar-nominated performance in last year’s “The Sixth Sense” was no fluke. This kid’s an actor! He’s perceptive, unaffected, and honest. You can see what he’s thinking, and he makes you care about him and what he’s doing. Unfortunately, I cannot recommend this well-made film for family viewing due to the profane use of God’s name. Whenever I hear a character on screen use God’s name followed by a curse, or Christ’s name used as a mere expletive, I am left with the impression that he or she has no reverence for God. Like most people, I have said hurtful things, and even misused our Savior’s name. I have repented and apologized for those wrongdoings. But how do you repent for something that you have deliberately put on the silver screen for future generations to be affected by? Along with the glamour and prestige film actors receive comes a great responsibility for how they affect the thinking of movie-goers. It is rather frustrating that most actors don’t see it that way.
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