This film includes wonderful acting and a good story line. The values of the Academy are well represented in the areas of honesty, honor, teamwork, sacrifice, dedication, friendship and love of country. It contains a man that just won’t quit and another man that won’t accept anything but a cadet’s best efforts. “Annapolis” has plenty of fighting, almost all of it inside a boxing ring. It has an abundance of bad language and sexual tension between Jake Huard and a female upperclassman. Huard asks the upperclassman to help him train for the brigades, the Academy’s big boxing match and this results in significant chemistry between the two.
Unfortunately, the film doesn’t have much originality. It relies on aspects from other films like “Rocky,” “An Officer and a Gentleman” and “Men of Honor.” “Annapolis” doesn’t contain any nudity or graphic sexual situations, but it does not receive the Dove Seal due to profane language.