“The Seeker” is a film adaptation of the second in a series of books written by Susan Cooper. While many of the details have been loosely adapted from the book, the central theme of Dark vs. Light has been maintained. This is certainly an action-packed movie that will keep its audience on the edge of their seats throughout.
The special effects are top notch but not overdone as sometimes can be the case, and the script moves along swiftly. Parents should be aware that the action scenes are nearly non-stop and do involve impending peril for our heroes (after all, The Dark is Rising…). This is the main reason we have recommended this film for a slightly older audience. However, the action and violence are well within Dove’s acceptable guidelines which allows us to award “The Seeker” our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal.
“The Seeker: The Dark is Rising” is a non-stop thrill ride that will leave you breathless.