This is far from being a family film. There is a scene not far into the story which I found to be in very poor taste. President Kennedy’s assassination is re-created and though it is not a close-up there is a brief moment when you see the side of his head after the fatal gunshot which killed him. It is a very bloody scene which I don’t believe needed to be in there. The point that he was gone could have been made without this bloody scene. The recreation was frighteningly realistic, including Jackie Kennedy in her pink outfit scaling the back of the car after the fatal blow to her husband.
Visually speaking the movie shines. The rest of it includes very strong content and crosses Dove’s line of acceptability in five out of six categories. It is an extremely violent picture, with almost non-stop violence and some very bloody scenes. In one scene a woman is shot through the leg and you see the bullet rip through the skin with its resulting blood spurt. In another scene a man uses a meat cleaver to slash a man in the head and he does it several times and it is graphic, revolting, and bloody. I was very troubled to see a woman with two kids around six years old at this screening. They should not have been exposed to this violence. The movie is rated R for a very good reason. We are unable to award this film our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal.