Princess Crystal and her sister Princess Lucinda find themselves at odds as the story unfolds-primarily because of Princess Lucinda’s jealousy of her sister’s position as future heir to the throne. But, when a sleigh bell mysteriously falls from the sky, pure-hearted Princess Crystal is determined to prove it came from one of Santa’s reindeer and Lucinda is just as determined to prove otherwise. Together they set off on a daring journey to the North Pole to prove if Santa Claus exists or not. Along the way, the royal duo find they must work together to outrun wild beasts, whales, greedy pirates and also try to keep three sneaky court penguins from a deception that could bring ruin to the entire kingdom.
Catchy tunes and Christmas joy abounds as Crystal and Lucinda must decide what matters most to them and to the kingdom. Families who are looking for Christmas fare and holiday viewing combined with the Duff sisters will enjoy this story.
We found friendship, family and cooperation to be central themes throughout this lively animated film and approve it for viewers of all ages.