The movie takes place in Paris and stars Kevin Costner as an aging Secret Services Agent named Ethan Runner. He is estranged from his wife and is the father of a teen girl. He is dying but is offered an opportunity to use an experimental drug that just might save his life, if the hallucinations it causes don’t get to him first.
Ethan tries to maintain a moral side to his decisions which is a bit challenging in his work. He has to find an international criminal known as The Albino (Tomas Lemarquis). The Albino works for the Wolf (I know, the animal names add up in this movie). They are attempting to sell nuclear devices to terrorists. Every time it seems Ethan is zeroing in on a foe he deals with nose bleeds and passes out. If the truth be told he doesn’t want to spend what might be his last days killing anyone but by accepting the mission he has the chance to survive and be a father to his child.
Despite some good moments in the film and energetic action sequences, the content is too high in the sex, language, violence, drug and nudity categories, so five out of our six content categories. Therefore we can’t award our Dove Seal to this movie.