“The Tree that Saved Christmas” is a unique story about family, home, love, having faith and offering forgiveness. Molly grew up on the family Christmas tree farm, but now lives in the big city. Always writing stories about the things around her, even the Christmas trees that the family grew, she especially loves the story about a tree she had saved from the saw when it was a young sapling.
When she discovers that same tree in her boss’s house, she knows it is a sign that she has to return home. She soon discovers, thanks to her brother, that the family Christmas tree farm is going to be foreclosed on by the bank. Returning home is the only option and, once there, she and her brother try to find a way to save the farm. The farm is not the only thing that needs to be saved; maybe her lost love will be found too. This is a heartwarming holiday movie that every member of the family will enjoy. We are proud to award it the Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for all ages.
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