“The Fate of the Furious” is a highly entertaining and energy-filled movie. It features an action-packed opening car race between Dom (Vin Diesel) and a braggart, car crashes, close calls, a prison riot, several powerful fights, an icy villainess (Charlize Theron), and an incredible secret that Dom discovers. This franchise doesn’t appear to be tired out; it rather still shows a lot of vigorous life.
Also featured is the use of some comedic and clever dialog. One of Dom’s “team” members learns he is just outside the top-ten’s most-wanted list, and he is determined to crack that top ten! His fellow team members mercilessly tease him about being “number eleven.” In a plot twist, Dom seems to turn against his team, and they can’t explain why he is now working for Cipher (Theron). But rest assured he has a good reason, which eventually is brought to light. The technology that is used by the team versus Cipher is impressive, not to mention the cars and locations of the movie. Launch codes for nuclear weapons become a target, and whether or not Cipher achieves her goal will determine the fate of the world.
One funny moment involves Deckard (Jason Statham) putting ear phones on a baby and playing the Chipmunks’ Christmas song for him before he steps away to fight some thugs.
The movie boasts many big-star names including Dwayne Johnson, Helen Mirren, Kurt Russell, Jason Statham, Luke Evans, and more. It’s too bad that strong language and the violence level of the film prohibit us from awarding it our Dove Seal. This action-packed movie, combined with the clever dialog, will more than likely spark yet one more sequel in the “Fast and Furious” franchise.