“Singin’ in the Rain” is an iconic musical-comedy filled with top-notch singing and dancing by superstars Gene Kelly, Donald O’Conner and 17-year-old Debbie Reynolds. It is considered by critics to be one of the best musicals of all time. The American Film Institute ranks it as the fifth greatest American motion picture of all time
The story centers around two romantic leads in silent pictures who have difficulty transitioning to “talkies,” especially female lead Lina Lamont (Jean Hagen), who is cursed with a voice like nails on a chalkboard. Fortunately, young Kathy Selden (Reynolds) has the perfect voice for dubbing in the soundtrack. She and Don Lockwood (Kelly) eventually fall in love.
Songs like “Make Me Laugh,” “You Were Meant for Me,” and “Good Morning,” added to the famous title song and dance number by Gene Kelly, make this a treat for the eyes and ears.
We are delighted to award this timeless hit the Dove Family Approved Seal for all ages.