The animation in this film is impressive. It looks great. The colors are bright and vivid. The filmmakers also brought in some impressive talent for the voice-over work including Christian Slater as Moses and Alfred Molina as Pharaoh. It is narrated by Sir Ben Kingsley. The movie parallels the Biblical account of the exodus and the giving of the Ten Commandments pretty accurately. As in the Charlton Heston film, Pharaoh survives the drowning of his men and horses at the Red Sea, but in scripture he perished along with them. This animated version manages to vividly portray the dramatic moments.
The burning bush, the parting of the Red Sea, and really this entire movie looks fantastic. Dove approves this film for all ages. We award this film five out of five doves. It doesn’t get better than that folks. There are at least ten good reasons to go see this movie. In fact, more than that.