Season four of ”The Cosby Show” starts off with bang as Sondra and Elvin announce they will not be attending graduate school. As anyone could imagine Cliff and Claire are less than pleased with this decision especially after paying to put Sondra through Princeton. Although viewers do not see the wedding; season four opens with Sondra and Elvin as newlyweds wanting to make it on their own. I found this part of the season’s story line humorous as always, but a powerful example of how hard it is as a parent to let our children lead their own lives even when we don’t like the choices they are making.
The rest of the season continues in typical Cosby fashion. Viewers get a Shakespeare lesson with Theo, and will laugh hysterically when Cliff attends a book club with Claire. Theo and Vanessa learn a valuable lesson when they lose Rudy at the mall and Theo visits a friend with cancer in the hospital. Once again ”The Cosby Show” hits the heart as well as the funny bone.