This particular DVD has some good moments, but it also strays a bit from scripture in its interpretation of events. For example. there is an add lib when Jesus has been praying in the garden and the disciples cannot keep awake. He says to Peter, “Don’t you think I’m tired?” Also, and it must have been for dramatic purposes, Jesus is shown being crucified (fairly graphically) all by himself on a hill, without the two thieves on either side and without a crowd. There is an imagined conversation between the Sanhedrin and Joseph of Arimathea. In one other example, while he is struggling with the Father’s will in the garden, he begins to beat the ground with his fists.
The film includes black actors as Jesus and his disciples although Judas Iscariot and Andrew are both played by white actors. Including the blood on Christ on the cross, another violent scene involves Judas hanging himself but the worst of it is seen in shadows from a distance and we recognize very briefly a man is hanging. One scene shows his feet above the ground. We are able to award our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal to this film for ages twelve and above. Again, we include the reminder that a few things have been done which differ from scripture, including Jesus filling the disciples’ baskets with fish after his resurrection, rather than their boat being filled with the fish. And he appears to Thomas in the film out of doors, although in the scriptures it says he appeared to him indoors. The production value is well done and the scenes of Christ on the cross will hopefully cause people to remember this event.