This movie is so bad, It’s almost heartbreaking. Amy Schumer is a delightful actor, and Rory Scovel nearly singlehandedly saves the movie’s story. But I Feel Pretty, in it’s attempt to indict our cultural reverence for physical beauty, manages to make the whole situation worse. Director/Writer team Kohn and Silverstein have set the woman’s movement back decades with their attempt at humor through a torturous, predictable sleaze-fest. Schumer’s character becomes the arrogant mean-girl stereotype when she thinks she’s beautiful and we’re not sure if we’re supposed to cheer her on when she suddenly gets popular.
It’s embarrassing on several levels. And as a woman with enthusiasm for advancing the conversation beyond short skirts, I’m praying that we summarily reject this movie in hopes that they‘ll never again take us for fools. Was there no conversation on set about today’s important cultural movements? The writers used a sledgehammer to force us into harkening back to Big, Penny Marshall’s iconic film from 1998. Unfortunately, they forgot to deliver the wit, deep heart and achingly real characters that make Big such a powerful and enduring story. The Dove Review: Don’t go. Amidst the inane storyline, there is an amateur reliance on profanity and sex to keep any thinking person from being the least bit interested in how they neatly tie up their tasteless bow. The good news? In the previews, we were treated with a first look at this year’s biggest thriller. Mary Poppins Returns will take us all back to supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
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