“Captivated” is a documentary that focuses on how media is being consumed by today’s culture and the dangers that lie in being obsessed with social networking. Phillip Telfer does a wonderful job interviewing a variety of experts from child psychologists to media watchdog groups. He takes us on an eye-opening journey into the habits of families and individuals who are so caught up in staying current in their friend’s and social group’s lives that they have forgotten how to live their own. He explores the historical origins of virtual communities and how for many their texting, tweeting and facebooking have become an addiction, not just a habit.
The film shows how you can plan media-free time with your family so you can restore some sanity to your lives. It also makes the case for leadership in the home, regular Bible reading and prayer as a family unit. You get a true sense that God is speaking to us today when Paul wrote in Ephesians 5:16, “Redeem the time for the days are evil.” We are pleased to award this informative documentary our Dove “Family-Approved” Seal for all ages and encourage you to watch this together as a family or with your church group.