Encanto (Disney+): Chasing the Gift
By Jacob Sahms Encanto, Disney’s latest animated film, combines the beauty of animation and mu...

Matrix Resurrections (HBO Max): Fighting for Love
By Jacob Sahms Twenty-two years ago, The Matrix burst into the cinematic scene with incredible act...

Hot Takes
The Book of Boba Fett (Disney+): The Unlikeliest H...
By Jacob Sahms In the pantheon of iconic Star Wars characters, who are not out-and-out villains, is...

Hot Takes
Sing 2 – Dreams Help You Rise, Music Helps Y...
By Jacob Sahms Sing was everywhere – in commercials and hinted at in other Illumination films...

Filmmaker Conversations
Sing 2 Director Wants to Build Community for Creat...
By Jacob Sahms The lyrical animals from Sing are back in writer/director Garth Jennings’ sequel, b...

Focus on Film
Journal for Jordan: Real Life Love, Family, &...
By Jacob Sahms In 2006, an improvised explosive device killed United States Army First Sergeant Char...

Filmmaker Conversations
Kingdom Building with American Underdog’s An...
By Jacob Sahms On Christmas Day, Kingdom Story Company debut their latest film American Underdog, an...

The Unforgivable (Netflix): An Unforgiving Society...
By Jacob Sahms Sandra Bullock’s Ruth Slater is a different role than anything we’ve seen...

Hot Takes
Encounter (Amazon): A Father’s Desperation
By Jacob Sahms Malik Khan (Riz Ahmed) has served his country on multiple tours abroad, but his retur...

Welcome to Earth Producer Shares About New Will Sm...
By Jacob Sahms In 2018, producer Jane Root made a nature series called One Strange Rock where actor...